Monday, August 24, 2009

Inglourious Basterds (2009)

I've been having a hard time coming up with a review for "Inglourious Basterds." I loved the movie but I got so caught up in watching it that it's difficult for me to comment on it critically. I can tell you that it's full of great dialogue, some very exciting action pieces, a lot of graphic violence and great performances, particularly from Christoph Waltz as the head "Jew hunter."

Tarantino the writer really makes Tarantino the director's job easy. Aside from a few flashy camera angles QT really just lets the story tell itself. The only small complaint I have is that the movie bogs down a little in the midst of all the exposition that goes on and that the "Basterds" don't really do all that much throughout the movie.

These complaints again are very minor, while I don't think "Basterds" is Tarantino's best movie or even in the top half it's still far better than 95% of all other movies I have seen recently. After I see it for a second time hopefully I will be able to look at it closer and not be so caught up in the story. That might be the best praise I can give it, even at over 2.5 hours my attention never faded.

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