Monday, January 31, 2011

Superchunk Week Video: Monday Edition - "Throwing Things"

This week will be known as "Superchunk Week" here at Shaft Went To Africa, I Went To Perkins.. There's no real reason for it besides the fact that their newest album, Majesty Shredding, was my favorite album of 2010 and because I watched a bunch of their videos over the weekend and wanted to share them here. I'll be posting a different video each day in chronological order from oldest to newest. Hopefully it will show the different sides of this great band and if it turns even one more person into a fan it will be well worth the small amount of time I've spent.

Monday's video is from 1991's No Pocky for Kitty which is generally considered Superchunk's best album. "Throwing Things" is one of the less frantic songs on the album and a really good starting point for anyone not familiar with the band. The video is a pretty simple mix of shots of the band playing intercut with a lot of looks at people's knees. It sorta makes sense in the context of the lyrics.

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