Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Man From Nowhere: Blu-ray (2010)

I've long maintained that in music you don;t have to be overly inventive to be awesome and I believe that to be true with films as well (though to a lesser extent). There's something to be said for making something that stylistically has been made before but as long as you do it well, it will be well worth checking out. The Man From Nowhere is further proof of that theory. There's very little on display here that hasn't been done before but everything is done with a style and energy that is impossible to not get caught up in. This South Korean film is a dark, violent and moving film. It may take it's cues from films such as Leon as well a host of revenge flicks but there's enough style and substance to make it stand out as far more than a generic, bloody, affair. It's not a perfect film -- most of the bad guys are stock types and often cross the line into bumbling fool territory -- but it's one the finer ones to come out of South Korea in a long time.

The blu-ray transfer is quite strong. The film was shot with a heavy blue tint to everything and while that color scheme may not result in an overly colorful look, it fits the film well. Detail is strong and focus is sharp. The film looks about as good as it ever will. The audio track is quite dynamic. The numerous action scenes come alive with both heavy low end and consistent surround usage. Directionality and dialogue are excellent throughout the movie. This is a fine way to view The Man From Nowhere.

The Man From Nowhere may not be the most original movie you'll ever see but it's still a very good one. Dark, violent, stylish and with a surprising amount of heart, it's a worthwhile way to spend a couple hours.


Movie: 4
Blu-ray: 4.5

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