Monday, May 9, 2011

Playing Catch Up on Music Reviews

Every year there are lots of albums I listen to once or twice and never do again (thanks streaming Napster!). Usually it's not because I think they're bad albums but they just don't appeal to me or aren't overly memorable. Here's a bunch that fall into that category and my quick thoughts on them. These are not fully formed opinions and should be taken as such.

The Aggrolites: Rugged Road

One of the finer reggae bands working today delivers a pretty minor album here. There are a lot of instrumentals and it feels rushed. Not bad but they have released much better stuff in the past.

Atmosphere: The Family Sign

I have no idea how popular Atmosphere is outside the Twin Cities are but they're pretty freaking huge in their hometown(s). I've always enjoyed their music but never to the fanatical degree of a lot of people I know. The Family Sign is another fine release featuring a mix of old school samples, live instrumentation and Slug's heartfelt tales of life.  I see no reason why fans wouldn't rave ecstatic over this album.

Bright Eyes: The People's Key

I hated Bright Eyes before listening to this but decided to give it a chance. I still hate Bright Eyes. 

Cold War Kids: Mine Is Yours

Overproduced, slick and designed for maximum exposure and airplay. It's also a really boring record from a band that has never been a boring band.

The Get Up Kids: There Are Rules

I've really liked the Get Up Kids in the past but their reunion album did absolutely nothing for me. Too much electronic music and a severe lack of hooks.

Iron and Wine: Kiss Each Other Clean

I've never been a fan of Iron and Wine due to Samuel Beam's soft whisper singing voice. He's much more full throated here and the album has the fullest (and strangest) arrangements of any Iron and Wine album so far. I could probably get into this given some time.

Lupe Fiasco: Lasers

I don't listen to enough modern hip-hop to feel comfortable writing about the genre in general so take this with a grain of salt. I've liked Lupe in the past but every song on Lasers sounds almost the same. Decent but far from his best work

The Low Anthem: Smart Flesh

Atmospheric indie rock that I will probably really like if I listen to it enough but there are just too many slow songs for me to love it immediately. I will say "Hey, All You Hippies" is an awesome song.

Lykke Li: Wounded Rhymes

I saw her play "Get Some" on Conan and thought it was awesome. The full album didn't blow me away like that performance did but I can see why some people would be really into her music.

Panic! at the Disco  Vices & Virtues

I really liked the last Panic! album and this one is good in doses. Their theatrical pop works well for me as singles but it's just too much for me as an album.

A solid album of pretty pop music from Paul Simon. I'll probably never listen to it again.

Again, I'm far from a knowledgeable hip-hop mind but this is a pretty sweet album. I don't know why I've only listened to it a couple times. Raekwon is one of my favorite Wu-Tang Clan members and this is another fine solo album from him.

Rival Schools: Pedals

Rival Schools are a band I feel like I should like a lot more than I actually do. Pedals is a good album but it's just not overly memorable to me.

I don't know if it's a good thing but this is Sum 41's most "mature" album. It's got a bunch of strings and ballads along with their normal metal influenced pop-punk. Even though it's a bit different it's still pretty much the same. If you liked them before you still will, if not you still won't.

Teddy Thompson:  Bella

A nice album of pretty adult pop. It's got one fantastic song ("Looking for a Girl") and a bunch of good ones. I like it but I can't see anything besides the aforementioned song getting played often.

This has the same problem that every other Thursday album ever made has; I really enjoy it when it's playing but I can't remember a damn thing about it once it's done. They're real good at creating atmosphere but real bad at creating songs that stick.

TV on the Radio: Nine Types of Light

I've always liked this band and their way of mixing Prince, Indie rock and a bit of electronica. This album is no exception. Probably my favorite on this list.

Wire is much more normal sounding these days than they were in the 70's. For this band that's not a great thing. Another one to add to the "like but don't love" list.

Wye Oak: Civilian

More atmospheric Indie rock that I think I would really like if I gave it a few more listens. a good band that just doesn't appeal to me all that much on a casual basis.

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